communities of inquiry+practice

expanding leadership consciousness, capacities, and skills

Our times call for a special quality of leadership, rooted in expanded consciousness,
and constantly evolving with the complexity of our environment.
Insights from the fields of leadership and adult development show us that personal, individual work is not enough. We need (good) company to grow.
The expansion of leadership is a relational and ecological process.

The communities of inquiry+practice are global, on-line communities of leaders from different horizons, committed to become more of who they are, and to greater contribution in the world.

We embark on an inner, mutual, and systemic developmental journey.

We build connections around stories, challenges, and patterns, 

reveal blind spots and unique gifts, 

experiment with new action.

We expand leadership presence and impact.

experimenting with generative ways of being in relation with self and others,
responding to the complexity of our ever-evolving systems 

Together, we create spaces for advanced developmental work.
Inquiring into intentions, strategies, behaviors, and outcomes, we explore the depths of human potential.

Everyone explores his/her personal growth edges all the while contributing to the growth of the other members—and their systems.

Development unfolds through dialogue, powerful questions, mutual coaching, and continued self-inquiry and experimentation.
The simultaneously reflexive and action-oriented nature of the co-inquiry work invites the participation of the whole person—mind, heart, body, and soul.

The work is shaped by the experiences shared by the participantsno two communities of inquiry+practice are the same. Some of the most frequently explored themes are leadership presence, consciousness, resilience, strategic and systemic thinking, diversity and inclusion, personal and professional transitions. 

Two individual coaching sessions are included in the program to support each participant’s development at his/her growth edge.

on-line collective program

8 biweekly meetings of 90 min.

circles of 12 participants max.
intra- or inter-organization

circles open throughout the year